Coping With Depression During Your Job Search

Understand you’re not alone

Feelings of frustration, defeat and hopelessness are common among job seekers who’ve spent months on end searching for a new job. If you’re feeling trapped in the quicksand of a dead-end job, it’s easy to wallow in self-pity and become discouraged. Jobs take a huge chunk of our daily lives, and adding a bad boss and rock bottom wages to the mix doesn’t leave a lot of time to plan for career advancement. Obsessing about your job and lack of opportunities, dreading going to work each day and experiencing overwhelmingly sad thoughts about life can all be signals that your job is making you depressed. 

 Give your personal branding a boost

Stand out. Be seen. These words are thrown around by a myriad of career professionals, but very few share the secret on how to execute. Most job seekers have difficulty articulating what sets them apart from others with similar educational backgrounds and work experience. You must take inventory of what makes you unique and express those attributes in a compelling and exceptional way. 

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