Pastor Charles Cooper Launches “National Association for the Advancement of Godly Sisters” to Help Win More Black Men to Jesus So Black Women Can Find Christian Husbands.
According to Black Christian web eligible black Christian men are fewer and fewer in number. Out of 10 randomly picked black men, at most, only one will be a Christian. Of the 10, one will die before his 18th birthday, one will marry another ethnic group, one is in prison, one is gay, one is an addict, one is a momma’s boy, two are unbelievers, and the final one is religious, but not Christian.
NAAGS seeks to win black men to Jesus Christ and disciple them, thereby increasing the pool of possible choices for single Christian black women. David Murrow states, and Edward Thompson and Jawanza Kunjufu confirm, “That 75 to 90 percent of the adults in the typical African-American congregation are women.”