Shelter in place ordered for people who live in Oak Park

Yellow viruses with CORONAVIRUS word floating on a dark yellow background. 3D Illustration

Residents who live in the Village of Oak Park will be under a shelter in place starting on Friday, March 20th.

The mayor of Oak Park issued the order on Wednesday, March 18th. This comes after a man who lives in the western suburb of Chicago was diagnosed with the virus. As of right now, there are 288 people in Illinois that have tested positive and 1 person who has unfortunately passed away. 2 emergency room doctors at RUSH Oak Park Hospital also tested positive for COVID-19.

Reports say, "the doctors are quarantined at home and one had not been seeing patients for several days prior. The other doctor may have had patient and peer contact." The hospital is working with the Illinois Department of Public Health on how to proceed with operations, patients and staff.

As of right now, the shelter in place order in Oak Park lasts through the beginning of April.

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