International Women's Day "Rev Bernice King"

Reverend Bernice A. King Born March 28, 1963 is the youngest child of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King. She is also the chief executive officer of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta, Georgia. She is seen in the Iconic picture nestled next to her mother after her father was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1968 King was the only one of the family's four children to follow her father into the ministry; she was called when she was 17 and gave her first sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church, her style of preaching is similar to her father. She has faced many difficulties in life and continues to strive for excellence, In 2006 after the death of her mother Coretta Scott King, she organized and delivered the eulogy, Rev Bernice says that her mother constantly taught them about the importance of service to humanity and she shares a scripture her father always taught them "He who would be the greatest among you must be a servant" Rev Bernice A, King continues to keep her parents legacy alive.

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