According to reports, R. Kelly has been very emotional while in jail. His lawyers say that they've have seen him cry when talking about his current situation.
The R&B singer is currently awaiting his trail in jail after being denied bail and has a slew of charges against him such as criminal sex abuse, with obstruction of justice, child pornography, racketeering and more.
HIs lawyer, Steve Greenberg says, "I've seen him get very emotional. He’s dealing with a lot of stories that have been made up. He’s not a fighter. I’ve seen him cry when he talks about the situation. [Kelly] has a stage persona who is used to having people around him all the time. His life in solitary is now minus TV. No radio. No music. And no books. He’s also a spiritual guy, has a Bible with him in his cell, but he can’t read it. It’s basically there for comfort. Now he’s been placed in the MCC’s ‘SHU’ — a cell in solitary confinement away from the jail population and is constantly being moved from cell to cell. He has only the guards to talk to.”
Greenberg says that Kelly does receive plenty of fan mail.