Mayor Rahm Emanuel only has a few weeks left as the mayor of Chicago. Over the last 8 years, he believes he has helped change the city for the better, but says one of his lowest points in office was when Hadiya Pendleton was murdered.
He says in part, "Here you are, the mayor of Chicago, and you feel totally useless, inadequate. I mean I know you can get down, you can get desperate, but the idea that you would kill somebody for a street corner that none of you pay mortgage on or own, I don't get it."
Mayor Emanuel says that is one of the only things that he will walk out of office still not understanding anymore than when he came into office. The mayor of Chicago does believe that he is leaving Chicago in better shape than when he got into office. He says 8 years ago Chicago was dealing with fiscal, economic, employment and educational crises, but since he has taken office, there has been significant change.
Mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot will be sworn in as Chicago's new mayor at the Wintrust Arena on May 20th at 10:30 that morning. Lightfoot will be the first African-American woman and openly gay mayor in Chicago.
As for Mayor Rahm Emanuel, he plans to to write a book and do some work in television after he leaves office.
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